Results for 'Hugo M. de Achaval'

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  1. Hugo M. de Achaval and J. Derek Holmes , "The Theological Papers of John Henry Newman on Faith and Certainty". [REVIEW]Jay Newman - 1977 - The Thomist 41 (1):155.
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  2. Hermenéutica y Símbolo en el Psicoanálisis Freudiano.M. F. Víctor Hugo Valdés Pérez - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 88.
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    (1 other version)Das Handeln im Sinne des Hochsten Zieles. [REVIEW]M. A. G. & Hugo Dingler - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (12):327.
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    Fenomenologia nos estudos de enfermagem.Hugo Ribeiro Mota, Betânia Da Mata Ribeiro Gomes, Dan Zahavi & Kristian M. M. Martiny - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e39223.
    O objetivo deste artigo é, primeiro, apresentar e considerar as críticas de Paley com mais detalhes e, em seguida, discutir algumas das aplicações significativas da fenomenologia que muitas vezes foram negligenciadas pelos pesquisadores qualitativos. Como foi amplamente demonstrado ao longo dos anos, a fenomenologia pode não apenas fazer a diferença no manuseio, análise e interpretação dos dados disponíveis, mas também em como os dados são obtidos em primeiro lugar, por exemplo, através de técnicas especiais de entrevista. Consideraremos algumas figuras centrais (...)
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    Testing Measurement Invariance across Groups of Children with and without Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: Applications for Word Recognition and Spelling Tasks.Patrícia S. Lúcio, Giovanni Salum, Walter Swardfager, Jair de Jesus Mari, Pedro M. Pan, Rodrigo A. Bressan, Ary Gadelha, Luis A. Rohde & Hugo Cogo-Moreira - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Kreolische Studien.A. M. Elliott & Hugo Schuchardt - 1884 - American Journal of Philology 5 (2):248.
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    Grundzuge der Psychologie, Band I. Allgemeiner Theil, Die Principien der Psychologie.George M. Stratton & Hugo Munsterberg - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (4):417.
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    M.J. Sandel, El descontento democrático: en busca de una filosofía pública, Barcelona, Penguin Random House, 2023, 448 pp. [REVIEW]Hugo Neves Pérez - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):401-403.
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    Enfrentando los desafíos en la evaluación de la participación política: aportes a la discusión sobre indicadores y escalas.Silvina A. Brussino, Patricia M. Sorribas, Hugo H. Rabbia & Débora Imhoff - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    En los estudios sobre participación política se observan diferencias tanto conceptuales como metodológicas relativas a su evaluación que afectan la producción del conocimiento en este campo. Tales diferencias configuran un nivel de complejidad mayor cuando refieren a estudios hechos sobre una misma población. Con el fin de evaluar la participación política de la población cordobesa se desarrollaron 7 estudios en un período de 14 años utilizando diferentes innovaciones metodológicas tendientes a mejorar la calidad de los datos y con el propósito (...)
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    Bibliografische Nota's. [REVIEW]B. Delfgaauw, J. H. Walgrave, Karl Schuhmann, P. Swiggers, L. Braeckmans, L. De Vos, K. Verrycken, André Cloots, Henk Struyker Boudier, C. Struyker Boudier, Herman Parret, Hugo Sonneville, J. Janssens, Etienne Van Doosselaere, C. Steel, M. Christiaens, P. Van Tongeren & I. Verhack - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (4):677 - 688.
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    La recepción de la Wissenschaft der Logik en la filosofía argentina.Hugo Alberto Figueredo Núñez - 2021 - Tópicos 42:52-78.
    La recepción de la Wissenschaft der Logik de G. W. F. Hegel en la filosofía argentina fue tardía y focal. A la casi nula atención al aspecto especulativo de la filosofía hegeliana durante el positivismo decimonónico, continuó un superficial interés en las primeras décadas del siglo XX que derivó en dos comentarios de la Wissenschaft der Logik: La Lógica de Hegel de M. A. Virasoro y Hegel y la dialéctica de C. Astrada. Para Virasoro la obra representaba un posicionamiento lógico (...)
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    Hugo Grotius’ Correspondence with his brother Willem de Groot.H. J. M. Nellen - 2003 - Grotia 24 (1):3-23.
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    Sur la théorie des sciences d’Henri Poincaré.Hugo Dingler - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:57-62.
    Dans son beau discours sur M. Henri Poincaré, Émile Picard nous a rappelé une expression de J.-B. Dumas sur le fameux physiologiste Claude Bernard, et a employé cette expression pour Poincaré lui-même : « On pourrait dire pareillement d’Henri Poincaré qu’il ne fut pas seulement un grand mathéma­ticien, maïs la mathématique elle-même. » Et comme Poincaré, d’après l’expression que nous venons de dire, a com­pris et développé la mathématique dans toutes ses profondeurs, il est clair qu’il devait...
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  14. La "religionsgeschichtliche Schule", de Hugo Gressmann.V. M. V. M. - 1915 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3 (16):323.
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    Grotius and the A tomic Weapon: the Nuclear Weapon-Discussion in the light of the Theory of "Just War" with Hugo de Groot.J. C. M. Willems - 1981 - Grotiana 2 (1):103-114.
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    La Escuela de Salamanca, Hugo Grocio y el liberalismo económico en Gran Bretaña.Gómez Rivas & M. León - 2020 - Pozuelo de Alarcón: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  17. Hugo von St. Victor und die Realdistinctio von Wesenheit und Existenz.G. M. Manser - 1930 - Divus Thomas 8:98-99.
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    Na oorlog en vrede: twaalf opstellen bij het dertiende lustrum van Societas Juridica Grotius en de vierhonderdste geboortedag van Grotius.J. M. van Dunné (ed.) - 1984 - Arnhem: Gouda Quint.
    Uitgave ter gelegenheid van de vierhonderdste geboortedag van de Nederlandse jurist, diplomaat en schrijver Hugo de Groot (1583-1645).
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    Hugo De Vries and the Reception of the "Mutation Theory".Garland E. Allen - 1969 - Journal of the History of Biology 2 (1):55 - 87.
    De Vries' mutation theory has not stood the test of time. The supposed mutations of Oenothera were in reality complex recombination phenomena, ultimately explicable in Mendelian terms, while instances of large-scale mutations were found wanting in other species. By 1915 the mutation theory had begun to lose its grip on the biological community; by de Vries' death in 1935 it was almost completely abandoned. Yet, as we have seen, during the first decade of the present century it achieved an enormous (...)
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    La idea de Europa de Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1914-1927) en el contexto de la Revolución Conservadora.Clara Ramas San Miguel - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):461-476.
    En este artículo se estudia la idea de Europa que el poeta austríaco Hugo von Hofmannsthal desarrolla desde los albores de la Primera Guerra Mundial hasta entrada la República de Weimar. Hofmannsthal reivindica una idea de Europa que a la vez contenga, realice y supere a los Estados-nación; y cuyo núcleo no sería Alemania -excesivamente inclinada hacia el modelo prusiano como bloque homogéneo y cerrado sobre sí mismo-, sino Austria-Hungría -como Imperio duradero, nexo con Oriente, frontera fluida y comunidad (...)
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  21. Cocceius and the Jewish Commentators.Adina M. Yoffie - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):393-398.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cocceius and the Jewish CommentatorsAdina M. YoffieThe case of Johannes Cocceius defies the commonplace that Leiden University (and perhaps post-Reformation, confessionalized Europe in general) turned away from humanist scholarship in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. In 1650 Cocceius (1603-69), a Bremen-born Oriental philology professor at Franeker, joined the Leiden theological faculty and wrote a treatise, Protheoria de ratione interpretandi sive introductio in philologiam sacram (De ratione). He (...)
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  22. XVI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011).Walter Carnielli, Renata de Freitas & Petrucio Viana - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):150-151.
    This is the report on the XVI BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (EBL 2011) held in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between May 9–13, 2011 published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Volume 18, Number 1, March 2012. -/- The 16th Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011) was held in Petro ́polis, from May 9th to 13th, 2011, at the Laboratório Nacional de Computação o Científica (LNCC). It was the sixteenth in a series of conferences that started in 1977 with the aim of (...)
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    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil B. De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Introduction. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Préface. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Idealization and the Defence of Economics: Notes Toward a History. Part I: General Observations on Idealization in Economics. Kevin D. HOOVER: Six Queries about Idealization in an Empirical Context. Bernard WALLISER: Three Generalization Processes for Economic Models. Steven COOK and David HENDRY: The Theory of Reduction in Econometrics. Maarten C.W. JANSSEN: Economic Models and Their Applications. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA: Idealization and Empirical Adequacy in Economic (...)
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    Economics, Law and Individual Rights.Hugo M. Mialon & Paul H. Rubin (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    This is the first book to examine individual rights from an economic perspective, collecting together leading articles in this emerging area of interest and showing the vibrant and expanding scholarship that relates them. Areas covered include The implications of constitutional protections of individual rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech and of the press, The right to bear arms, The right against unreasonable searches, The right against self-incrimination, The right to trial by jury, The right against cruel and unusual punishment, (...)
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    The role of Liberty Hyde Bailey and Hugo de Vries in the rediscovery of Mendelism.Conway Zirkle - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (2):205-218.
    The almost simultaneous and overlapping discoveries of Mendel's forgotten work by Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erik von Tschermak gave rise to an intense rivalry, some jealousy, and more than a little illfeeling. De Vries, the first to announce the discovery, has been subjected to the charge that he wished to conceal his discovery and to obtain for himself the credit for having discovered what we now call Mendelism. This charge involves the statement that de Vries gave credit (...)
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    The Role of Death-Anxiety-Induced Fear of COVID-19 in Compliance With and Acceptance of Government-Issued COVID-19 Regulations. [REVIEW]Hugo M. Kehr, Cafer Bakaç, Marius Jais, Dorothee Brunner, Julian Voigt & Lea Holzemer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present research was conducted to empirically examine whether death anxiety is the fundamental fear that feeds people’s fear of COVID-19 and leads to increased behavioral compliance with and acceptance of COVID-19 regulations. Results from an online survey of 313 participants from New York City show that death anxiety was, indeed, positively associated with behavioral compliance with, but not acceptance of, COVID-19 regulations via an increased fear of COVID-19. Hence, media campaigns that are designed to increase people’s compliance with restrictive (...)
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    NELLEN, H.J.M. and C.M. RIDDERIKHOFF (eds.), De briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius Vijftiende deel januari-septernber 1644, (Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Den Haag, 1996), RGP 238, pp. XLIV + 852), ISBN 90-5216-089-9. [REVIEW]Jan Bloemendal - 1998 - Grotiana 19 (1):83-84.
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  28. Essais. Zürich.M. De Montaigne - 1968 - Diogenes.
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    Extraversion Moderates the Relationship Between the Stringency of COVID-19 Protective Measures and Depressive Symptoms.Indy Wijngaards, Sophie C. M. Sisouw de Zilwa & Martijn J. Burger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Más allá de las aulas: una reivindicación del carácter práctico de la filosofía.M. ª de los Ángeles Pérez del Amo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:20-20.
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  31. Theory of Knowledge & Science Policy.M. Callebaut, M. de Mey, R. Pinxten & F. Vandamme (eds.) - 1979 - Communication & Cognition.
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  32. De taak der rechtssociologie.Hugo Sinzheimar - 1935 - Haarlem,: H. D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon, n.v..
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    Demagnetization factors of the general ellipsoid: An alternative to the Maxwell approach.M. Beleggia, M. De Graef & Y. Millev - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (16):2451-2466.
  34. Recensioni-Scetticismo. Una vicenda filosofica.M. De Caro, E. Spinelli & F. Verde - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (1):184-185.
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    Official Titles of the Former Han Dynasty.M. L. & R. de Crespigny - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):387.
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    A perception philosophy in Plato.Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:109-114.
    O presente trabalho defende, na filosofia platônica, a hipótese das Formas tem como escopo explicar os sensíveis e a sensibilidade, e não rechaçá-los, como fora pregado pela tradição. No Teeteto , Sócrates chega a analisar exaustivamente a possibilidade de a sensação ser encarada como conhecimento; no Fédon , no argumento da reminiscência, o mestre admite que para haver aprendizado/recordação é necessário que haja duas experiências cognitivas correlatas e mutuamente necessárias: a percepção sensível ( aísthesis ) que suscita a anamnese e (...)
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  37. Cameron, The New Medicine: Life and Death After Hippocrates.M. De S. Nigel - 1991 - Chicago and London: Bioethics Press 2001:100-101.
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  38. Quantified modal logic, reference and essentialism.M. Perrick & H. de Swart - 1993 - Logique Et Analyse 143 (143-144):219-231.
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    Glossarium Epicureum.Phillip De Lacy, Hermann Karl Usener, M. Gigante & W. Schmid - 1979 - American Journal of Philology 100 (3):468.
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    Ortega y el tiempo de las masas.Hugo Aznar, Manuel Menéndez Alzamora & Elvira Alonso (eds.) - 2018 - Pozuelo de Alarcón: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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  41. Our Lord Don Quixote: the Life of Don Quixote and Sancho with Sixteen Essays.M. DE UNAMUNO - 1967
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  42. (1 other version)Reflexiones sobre el sentido de la historia: entre el optimismo doctrinario y el pesimismo relativista.Hugo Celso Felipe Mansilla - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 59 (2):23-41.
    El texto muestra la complejidad de la discusión en torno al sentido y la dirección de la historia, y sobre todo la dificultad mayor de una dotación de sentido a favor del desarrollo histórico en el mundo actual. El artículo reconstruye brevemente la posición pesimista de la Escuela de Frankfurt sobre este tema, posición que representa una respuesta al optimismo convencional del liberalismo y del marxismo, desde una crítica de los resultados debidos a la tecnología y a la vista de (...)
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    Unpacking symbolic number comparison and its relation with arithmetic in adults.Delphine Sasanguie, Ian M. Lyons, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2017 - Cognition 165 (C):26-38.
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  44. On an intuitionistic modal logic.G. M. Bierman & V. C. V. de Paiva - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (3):383-416.
    In this paper we consider an intuitionistic variant of the modal logic S4 (which we call IS4). The novelty of this paper is that we place particular importance on the natural deduction formulation of IS4— our formulation has several important metatheoretic properties. In addition, we study models of IS4— not in the framework of Kirpke semantics, but in the more general framework of category theory. This allows not only a more abstract definition of a whole class of models but also (...)
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  45. De Luther a Wagner.M. Klugmann N. Dumesne De Gramont - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:644.
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  46. Hegel: Or the tragedy of thinking.M. De Besteigui - 1999 - In Simon Sparks & Miguel de Beistegui (eds.), Philosophy and Tragedy. New York: Routledge. pp. 11--37.
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  47. Desarrollo y autogestión de la microhotelería.Hugo Vecchiet - 2000 - Enfoques 3:00.
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    Sismografias: a, de derrida.Hugo Monteiro - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):147-168.
    Resumo: Este texto parte da letra A, da sua importância e da sua centralidade na Desconstrução de Derrida. Em função dessa letra iniciática, indício da “ironia muda” da différance como sincategorema do pensamento de Derrida, tentar-se-á acompanhar o modo como se apresenta à Filosofia Contemporânea como uma espécie de sismo, de abalo e de nova propulsão. Sismografias tenta então reconhecer, na postura e no desenvolvimento dessa letra “A”, a forma como o trabalho de Derrida abala pela base o território dos (...)
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    Da substituição à alternância: a legislação em saúde mental ea rede de serviços na cidade de Porto Alegre.Neuza M. De F. Guareschi & Karla Gomes Nunes - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:137-153.
    Analisa-se a articulação entre a proposição de políticas públicas de saúde mental e as estratégias para a reorientação do modelo assistencial em saúde mental a partir dos movimentos pela Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira. Parte-se da perspectiva genealógica de Michel Foucault, o que implica descrever ..
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    Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingo & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):209-227.
    This paper describes the development and implementation of a character education program at the University of Navarra. The Leadership as Service Program has been developed in collaboration with the Oxford Character Project, and has adapted its Global Leadership Initiative to the Spanish context. The purpose of the Leadership as Service Program is to help students develop a sense of personal purpose, and virtues that are specific to leadership, such as prudence, humility, gratitude, resilience, and service. The methodology of the program (...)
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